Ministry Journey Blog

Thoughts on Ministry

15 Nov

The Church

Posted in Uncategorized on 15.11.12 by Merlyn

I have been doing a lot of really great reading lately, a bulk of it by Mike Breen. The following quote is one I have been wrestling with and one that is deeply connected to thoughts and passions I have had since saying yes to Jesus over 17 years ago.


“Church health and growth is all about life-the Body of Christ being an organism rather than an organization.” Mike Breen


I do not question the statement, because I believe it to be true. There is no doubt that we have over-institutionalized the movement that Jesus started. I love the church, but there is also no question that its current form is not sustainable, not effective and is more consistent with the kingdom of this world than it is the Kingdom of God. That said, I know that we need some sort of ‘structure’ and ‘organization’ to the church. I have been wrestling with these kind of questions since answering the call to ministry over 16 years ago. It’s a journey that I abandoned for a while and am glad to have rediscovered. I suspect like most things involving Jesus, the answers are simple to find and will take the rest of my life to apply…

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