Ministry Journey Blog

Thoughts on Ministry

13 Mar

Community is Timeless

Posted in Uncategorized on 13.03.10 by Merlyn

Last night we had a high school game night at our house. In my 10 years of youth ministry, I have been doing these for the vast majority of these. What is interesting is that they truly are timeless. As busy as youth are and as many more attractive and fun things there would be to do, it still continues to work and thrive. What is it that continues to attract teenagers and others to events like this one? Is it the food? Unlikely. Is it the games? Perhaps, but not completely. Is it the opportunity to be in the home of the Youth Minister? While that might be a factor, its not about the location either. Its all about the community, and in that sense, nothing has changed since the start of the world. We crave community; and perhaps now more than ever our culture craves community. Community is the essence of the Church and Jesus knew what the world needed and what He needed the Bride to be. As I sat for 5 hours with 20 teenagers and adults as we talked, played games, and enjoyed time together I realized how powerful community is. In the days of high program and our drive to do more and provide more, its not what we need. We are not in need of things to do or consume, but rather opportunities to simply be. How do we facilitate and better embrace community in our churches and ministries?

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02 Mar

Its an Honor

Posted in Uncategorized on 02.03.10 by Merlyn

Simply put–its an honor to work with youth, to be called to ministry and be a part of the movement that Jesus started years ago. There is not much more to say about it really. I think those working in ministry environments need to remember how great it is to be called to be a part of the team, a part of the movement God brought to this earth thousands of years ago in the son. Lets keep seeking to be about the kingdom, to see the kingdom, and bring about the kingdom.


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