Ministry Journey Blog

Thoughts on Ministry

08 Sep


Posted in Uncategorized on 08.09.11 by Merlyn

One of the comments I make most often in relation to ministry (and parenting) is that ‘we must remember that ministry is a seed planting mission.’ This is especially important in our results driven culture. Results do matter in ministry and results can be viewed and measured in a variety of ways. The problem with focusing on results in ministry is that we lose sight of our purpose in many instances. There is a theological challenge with our results focus in ministry as well. Focusing on what results we can produce assumes that what happens in ministry, in our lives and the lives of others spiritually is because of something we have done. The reality is that ministry is always about who God is, and what has done, is doing and will continue to do. Its not at all about us. That is why the parable of the sower is so helpful in thinking about ministry. Our job is to carefully scatter the seeds and to tend to them to the best of our ability, protecting them giving them good soil, sun and moisture. Our ministries, programs, events, experiences and relationships are tools to this end. While I am not a farmer, I recognize that I could cultivate the best circumstances for a seed I plant and it still may not grow. I may not see results, or better yet, I may not see results for a long time. We once planted garlic and our dog dug it up so we gave up. A who season later when we were clearing the area that was our garden, we found garlic. We had no idea. Ministry is a seed planting mission. We do the best work that we can, but in the end, it is always up to what God is doing. It is helpful to remember this for a variety of reasons–so we measure right, so we focus on cultivating the best circumstances for growth and so that we remember that it is not about what we do, but what God has already done.

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