Ministry Journey Blog

Thoughts on Ministry

10 Jan


Posted in Uncategorized on 10.01.13 by Merlyn

It’s easy to be cynical about the state and the future of the Christian church in the United States (and all of North America and Europe for that matter). My wife is one of a handful of people who accuse me of being cynical, but I see myself as more of a realist. That said, living in cynicism towards the church is not the answer, nor is it healthy. What I don’t talk about enough is all of the potential I see for the church both today and in the future. I see a lot of potential for the church right now. I believe that many of the generations that are co-existing in the church right now want a more genuine, life-changing authentic faith and church experience. I also believe that those who are children and young adults are deeply passionate about poverty and other justice related issues. These two things (along with many other pieces of good news) could really help the church get back to its roots and identity. While the institution has its issues, I do not think institution needs to be thrown away. I do believe that a greater focus on the mission and the movement as a people and an institution is the answer. Taking the strength, structure and resources of the institutional church and focusing them on the mission and the movement that is Christianity could become a powerful combination for life and world change. While serving in ministry (in any capacity) may be in many ways more challenging than ever, with greater effort, focus and spirit I think that we are poised for a tremendous amount of potential to create sustainable life change in individuals, families, communities and the world.



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