Ministry Journey Blog

Thoughts on Ministry

18 Feb


Posted in Uncategorized on 18.02.11 by Merlyn

This past Sunday I was ordained. It was a culmination of an interesting journey, a journey that was well worth it. The service was very powerful and I am still reflecting on it in many ways. I felt so honored by the service as we all truly gathered and worshiped, 300 plus people. Ordination for me has been about the full use of my gifts and call and not much else. Certainly my own love for the sacraments has been a great motivator in taking this step.

Its interesting because while nothing has changed, everything has changed. I feel confidence, acceptance and a sense of the realization of another dream. 2010 was an amazing year for me, 2011 has started off even better. At the same time, things are different. I am not sure I will ever get used to people calling me Pastor Marcus, nor will I ever get used to calling myself that. I have let people know that I am ok with whatever they are comfortable with. Things are also different because I feel the weight of ordination. I guess I try to be a spiritual person and seek to understand what the Spirit is doing in all things. I feel the weight of this ordination and my new ordination ring from my family (which is big and heavy) serves as a regular reminder of this weight. A milestone has been reached, another moment in the journey that shall press me forward.


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