Ministry Journey Blog

Thoughts on Ministry

08 Feb


Posted in Uncategorized on 08.02.10 by Merlyn

In a two month period I have now heard from denominational leader(s) from two different denominations that their particular denomination/institution is the church and is to be loved, and to not be a part of it and to not love it is to not be part of the church. It was never said in that exact way each time, but the principles were clear. I have been thinking about it. I do not think that one should ever love an institution—ever. Perhaps it is our love of the institutions around us and the focus on structure and the organization that is assisting in the death of the church. I love Jesus. I love people. I think we should only love that which God creates, and not love that which we create. I have been talking about this in some online courses and with others, and the perspectives vary. Of course there are those who have held the position described above. Others have suggested that we need organizations/structure/hierarchy/institutions. My argument back…did Jesus need these things? Did the early church need or have these? Did the movements started by folks like Wesley and Luther need these?  Not so much. If you follow corporate/organizational life cycles, you do see that movements need to organize and that is part of the flow of things, however if you keep looking and reading, the steps that follow are decline and death, so when we get to the place of institution we must either have a re-birth, move back towards a movement, or prepare for death. Institutions are not inherently bad, but there tendencies are not always good. I do not think they have a place at all in the church or the kingdom of God…and if we continue to focus on them, I am afraid the local american church as we know it will die. The church will never die, but our current expression may die, and may need to die. The Emergent’s have been preaching this, but there are two areas where I do not resonate with them. First, I do not think we have to start over or walk away from all mainline churches. The movements that started these denominations are still very powerful. Second, I do not think we have to reject everything organizational, and they too have started to “organize.” This whole conversation truly is a part of my ministry journey, and these are just my thoughts as they stand today. There is still much to discern and pray through, much to think about and wrestle with.

Come Lord Jesus, Come. Save us from ourselves so that we might live out your Kingdom!


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