Ministry Journey Blog

Thoughts on Ministry

29 Dec


Posted in Uncategorized on 29.12.12 by Merlyn

Bill Hybels has been quoted as saying ‘the local church is the hope of the world.’ It’s a powerful quote, an utterance that seems like something of the Holy Spirit. The problem is that it does not feel like its at all true. The world needs an awful lot of hope. When I hear stories of hope and restoration, more of them seem to be coming from outside the church than from the church. When I look at the image of the church both amongst those inside of it and those who are not, hope is not a word that is often used to characterize the church today. Its easy to be critical and cynical of the church. Its rational to blame the church for its shortcomings and to hold it accountable. Its much harder however to change it. I have wanted to be an agent of change in the church, but changing the church is hard and costly. I too have become comfortable as a professional in the institution. I think Bill is right, the local church is the hope of the world. That’s our call, its our identity. Its what Christ wants of us. So where do we go from here? There are certainly some simple answers, but their application is incredibly difficult. If the church is to be the hope of the world, then we all as the church and its participants must speak hope into each and every situation. We must live hope. We must embody hope. We must own hope. We must look for, be a part of and bring about the hope of the kingdom in our homes, neighborhoods, communities and the world that God created out of love. What does it mean for you, for your family and for your church to be the hope of the world in this season and in its context?

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