Ministry Journey Blog

Thoughts on Ministry

11 Apr

Another Prayer

Posted in Uncategorized on 11.04.17 by Merlyn

At a recent council meeting, one council member offered another prayer that struck me as honest, mature an healthy as each member takes a turn leading us in a devotion and prayer. I thought it worth sharing:

Tonight as we are gathered together, we have have our own hopes, dreams, visions and concerns about the future of St. Mark’s. Please help us to remember that we have been elected to be stewards of this church and stewards of our Kingdom. Help us to push aside our own personal agendas and to focus instead on what is best for your Kingdom. Help us each day to strive to be more like you so that when people who don’t know you see and interact with us, they can say without hesitation, “I want what that person is having.” We pray these things in your name, Amen.

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